Glenlivet Medical Practice

Drumin, Ballindalloch, Glenlivet, AB37 9AN

Telephone: 01807 590273

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Useful Phone Numbers

Aberdeen Royal Infirmary       0345 456 6000
Ambulance – emergency          999
Ambulance transport for clinics            0300 123 1236
Community Mental Health Team 01309 678863
Community Nurses/Midwives  01340 882107/882108
Dr Gray’s, Elgin                       0345 456 6000
Health Visitor                          01340 882107
Macmillan Nurse Service         01343 562452
Macmillan (Dr Gray’s)             01343 567480
NHS 24 ADVICE LINE                       111
OUT OF HOURS (6am – 8am) 111
Pharmacy – Aberlour               01340 871279
Pharmacy – Dufftown 01340 820228
Physiotherapy                          01343 567322
Podiatry (Chiropody)  (9-10am)            01343 553077
Police –non emergency number            101
Raigmore Hospital, Inverness  01463 704000

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    02:00pm to 05:00pm
  • Tuesday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    Remote emergency cover provided after 1pm
  • Wednesday
    02:00pm to 05:00pm
    Emergencies only. Remote emergency cover provided before 2pm
  • Thursday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    Remote emergency cover provided after 1pm
  • Friday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    02:00pm to 05:00pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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