Glenlivet Medical Practice

Drumin, Ballindalloch, Glenlivet, AB37 9AN

Telephone: 01807 590273

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Winter Advice

November 2024

First of all, we want to say a massive thank you to all of our patients for your support throughout the last year.

With the arrival of the winter weather, and a predicted early arrival of the winter vomiting bug, we thought it would be sensible to make contact to explain the best way to access support during this very demanding time of year.

If you are in an “at risk group” for Flu or Covid be proactive and get vaccinated now. The Vaccine helpline phone number is: 0800 030 8013

Remember to stay at home if you are unwell to stop the spread of winter viruses. School/work should be avoided for 48 hours after norovirus symptoms settle.

Self- care advice and support: provides an extensive range of information and advice for everyone. The self help guides allow you to check your symptoms and will advise you on what to do next. Many common health problems over the winter months can be treated at home with self-care and over the counter remedies.

Please consider checking out the advice on this website to see how you can “self care” before contacting the surgery. See link:

Many minor illnesses can be dealt with by the local Pharmacy, who can provide certain medications through the “Pharmacy First” service. For more information:

Urgent appointments:

Unfortunately demand for urgent and on the day appointments continues to exceed capacity. We ask that you please phone before 10am. Decisions on appointment urgency are based on clinical urgency.

It really helps the team if requests for non-urgent problems are made through the e-consult service.

The phone service is there to deal with requests for urgent problems, or for those who genuinely cannot use the e-consult service (no access to a computer or a disability or frailty that means it can’t be used).

Please do have your phone handy for when we return your call – time spent on unanswered calls is clinical time wasted.

If you phone in, it is important you give our receptionists clear and concise information about your concern – this not only helps them to highlight particularly urgent matters to the triage team, but they may also be able to book you in directly with a clinician for certain conditions (such as cancer “red flag” symptoms), or to the First Contact Physiotherapist.

After 10am:

The clinician will be busy with clinical duties seeing and treating patients and dispensing.

The Doctor is available for genuinely urgent matters.

Appointment length:

GP appointments are booked at 15 minute intervals, allowing the clinician approximately 12 minutes of patient “contact” time. Please be mindful of this when you are planning your appointment- be realistic about what can safely be covered in this time. We do “over run” on occasion when it becomes clinically necessary – so please bear with us during these times. Please ensure you arrive at your appointment time.


To request medication, please use the Online system to order repeat medication, or drop off your repeat prescription slip at the surgery. Taking prescription requests over the phone increases the risk of errors.

Due to national ongoing intermittent drug shortages and slow delivery times to Glenlivet, we ask that patients request their repeat medication at least 5 days before it is due.


Our reception team may be able to book you in directly with one of our First Contact Physiotherapists. FCPs are physiotherapists usually based in GP surgeries with an expertise in the assessment and management of musculoskeletal conditions. For more information:  What is first contact physiotherapy? | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy


For emergency eye care (sudden loss of vision, painful or red eyes, sudden flashes or floaters) please phone your Optician–opticians/

Minor Injuries Service

We continue to provide a minor injuries service. Please phone ahead to alert our reception team to plan for your arrival

When to go to A&E or phone 999? Emergencies include:

Serious Injuries

Suspected fractures

Breathing difficulties

Severe bleeding

Suspected heart attack

Suspected stroke

Dental Helpline

0345 45 65 990

Concerns about how someone is managing at home or questions about home care

Please contact the local access team on


Smoking Cessation: 0800 84 84 84

District Nurses: 01340 882108

Health visitor: 01340 821607

Community Midwife: 01343 567220

Social work: 01343 563999

NHS 24 (out of hours service): 111

Mental Health support lines:

Breathing Space 0800 83 85 87

Samaritans 116 123

SAMH Moray 01343 54279=81 or


Thank you for continuing to support us while the demand on General Practice is higher than ever.

The Team at Glenlivet Medical Practice

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    02:00pm to 05:00pm
  • Tuesday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    Remote emergency cover provided after 1pm
  • Wednesday
    02:00pm to 05:00pm
    Emergencies only. Remote emergency cover provided before 2pm
  • Thursday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    Remote emergency cover provided after 1pm
  • Friday
    08:30am to 01:00pm
    02:00pm to 05:00pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
NHS A-Z Conditions
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